

It is a procedure used to view the inside of lower (sigmoid) colon and rectum. Flexible Sigmoidoscope is an almost 60 cm long flexible tube with a thickness of a little finger. It is gently inserted into the anus and slowly move into the rectum and the sigmoid colon. This tube has a light and a very small camera at the end of it, so the image can be transmitted on the monitor.

2 days before the test patient has to take 2 Dulcolax & 2 Festal-N tablets after dinner. On the previous day, 5 hours after lunch 1ltr solution of PEGLEG powder in water should be taken by patient within half an hour. He/she will pass stool for many times which is necessary for the clear view of the colon. Plenty of water or ORS should be taken to maintain the electrolyte balance on the previous day. Patient should take early liquid dinner on the previous day and keep fasting until the test is done. If the patient faces any problem due to PEGLEG powder consumption he/she immediately should contact a physician.

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